Pyne Royalty

     The reason for this post is to get your opinions on blogspot. I don't know why I had such a hard time using it when I first started blogging. Maybe I'm just not very good with computers or I was just overwhelmed and new with the blogging thing. What has been your experience with using blogspot? Do you find it easy to use? Do you think that a person who is not that good with computers can use it? I've been thinking of switching from weebly to blogspot, that is if I can figure out how to use it.

     Update on the Pyne family. . . .
 Kevin is working so hard for our family, and they really appreciate his optimistic hard working attitude at work. He was named top agent of the month for TD Ameritrade. We're so proud of him. I'm so thankful that he works so hard so that I can be home with Henry. Henry is changing everyday! It's so fun to see him learn new things like how to say "Doggy" "Daddy" ( his favorite word) he says Daddy all day. He can also say apple, mommy, ducky, grandma, Papa, and Jess! ( my big sisters name).   Henry absolutely loves playing with balls! That's all he wants to do all day long, he doesn't care as much about his other toys. We love our little boy! He's the joy of our lives!
3/5/2010 01:52:33 pm

Katie I will help you. It took me awhile to figure it out too. Now it is really easy for me.

3/6/2010 02:45:50 pm

I vote for blog spot its way more fun!!! And I can show you how to do it.

3/8/2010 04:27:34 am

It is good to hear an update. Henry sounds a lot like Ammon these days except he says more words. I think blogspot is easy to use. I advise using it!

Emma Hunsaker
3/8/2010 01:06:56 pm

Katie, I think Kimberlee is right, there is always a learning curve to everything.

Frankly, I'm impressed you picked up weebly so fast which is, in my opinion, a lot more complex than blogspot. I think I didn't have the patience with blogspot because my computer was being so stupid at the time I started. Now I use it for my Stake Primary calling and it's pretty easy now that I know what I'm doing.

3/11/2010 07:37:46 am

I'm glad to see an you just need to post some more pictures:) I think blogspot is great to use. I love having my blog to look back on for all of my families activities. It really is a great way to journal.

Amy Workman Schmutz
4/17/2010 09:28:46 am

Hi Katie! I found your blog! And my vote is NOT for blogspot. I can't stand it! I am stuck there now, but it is really only user-friendly for people who know HTML, which is not me. Uploading pics and aligning them with text is a nightmare. But I think I told you all this already..... Anyway, nice to see your blog!


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