Pyne Royalty

(to be read in thick Old English accent)
Hearken! readers of our blog! Tis I, Kevin, co-author of PyneRoyalty, Amateur Blogger and King of the 3 bedroom Apartment of 200 East.  
Doth thine desires to nourish thy soul, bring thou to our blog for enlightenment and uplifting knowledge? I, Kevin, doth write from the depths of my soul to inform our readers of the blessed state of our existance, brought to pass by the feasting of good and plentiful food.  The wonderous taste and glorious tenderness of ground beef which doth provide nourishment and satisfaction to our ever-needful mortal flesh. If thou ever receiveth such a blessing to enjoy the consumation of such sustinance, I would count thee as the elect of the eternities. Such delightful ground beef prepareth the feast of pasta and sauces from tomato, combined in its glory, the creation spagetti! No amount of stains on my silk tunic and blouse will ever deny me the indescribable taste of this royal feast.  And such is my decree. So let it be done!
Wow . . . so sorry to be MIA on the blogging thing. I must admit, I'm really not very good at blogging and so not confident about my writing ability that I totally procrastinate and stall doing even a simple post. All of that aside. . . we are doing very well! Henry is almost eighteen months! His favorite thing to to all day is play ball. Mostly basketball! We have a litttle hoop that  he slams it in all day long, and he's really good. He also loves to eat his morning cereal all by himself, and his other favorite thing is when Daddy comes home. He say's Daddy all day long, so when he comes home it's a big event.

    Kevin and I are loving our calling in the singles ward, and both decided that we don't want to leave when May comes around. It's all gone by so fast and we've learned so much from the amazing students in our ward. It's also fun to be the one that everyone tells their dating stories to, it makes for great entertainment! J/K

   Anyway. . . Here are some somewhat recent pictures of our Henry boy!